British Healthcare


Britain’s National Health Service turns 75 this month. It is in the deepest crisis of its history: flooded by aging patients; starved of investment; and understaffed by doctors and nurses, many of whom are so burned out that they are either joining strikes or leaving for jobs abroad.

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woman health

Celebrate Women With National Women’s Health Week

Each year starting on Mother’s Day, we celebrate National Women’s Health Week. It’s a great time to support and encourage girls and women to make their personal health a priority. We, at MediBid, support women’s health awareness, and we hope you do too!   Why is women's health important? Women play a major role in … Continued
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N95 Masks And Where To Find Them

The US Centers of Disease Control and Prevention advises well-fitting respirators approved by National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH). Due to the surging cases of the Covid-19’s omicron variant, the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is recommending the use of the highly protective N95 masks. The Biden administration is distributing 400 … Continued
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Open for Business

The following are locations and procedures that MediBid is still handling at this time. (Updated 5/5/2020)   WAPodiatryScheduling foot and ankle procedures starting May 13 AL Pain teleconference and in office (no fever) AZ Neurosurgery Lumbar laminectomy, cervical laminectomy, brain tumor removal,  pituitary surgery AZ Total Shoulder Joint Replacement AZ Meniscus Repair AZ ACL Repair … Continued

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Affordable Self Funded Employer Healthcare

Affordable Self Funded Employer Healthcare Plans

     Cost Effective Self-Funded Plans are Possible with MediBid Self-funded employer healthcare plans are gaining in popularity, even among smaller employers that in the past would have considered self-funding too risky. Traditional health insurance no longer offers the value that employers and their employees look for, and many businesses are turning to self-funding a … Continued

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Physicians / Medical Facilities

How Medibid Selects Medical Professionals

     MediBid is Always Adding to its List of Medical Providers MediBid thrives because providers from around the world want access to a competitive healthcare marketplace. A marketplace where providers are rewarded for their skill and efficiency. MediBid offers that marketplace, and so many of our providers found us before we found them. It’s … Continued

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Why Vegetarianism is Bad for You – Retraction Part Five

by Lee Kurisko, MD When discussing different diets, the case is made why this diet or that diet is the best way to go. Having said that, there is only one diet that has ever been shown to prevent and even reverse heart disease, the number one killer in the Western world. That diet is … Continued

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