MediBid offers a platform by which individuals seeking medical care are matched with high quality doctors, hospitals, surgery centers, and other medical professionals around the world who will offer transparent, competitive pricing on medical care.
Who benefits from using MediBid to find medical care?
Self-pay patients
Those with high deductibles
Individuals looking for medical care not covered their insurance plan
Members of a faith based medical cost sharing groups
Employees utilizing self-funded employer health plans
How much could I possibly save?
$100 + requests such as imaging and diagnostics
$1,000 + on simple procedures such as colonoscopies (even with travel expenses)
$10,000 + for major surgical requests
For faith based medical cost sharing group members – If enough is saved, your personal share is waived and travel expenses might be covered
Employees under a Defined Reimbursement Health Plan – if you choose a bid price that falls within your plan’s allowable, 100% of your medical care will be paid for by the plan. In addition, some employers will include a travel allowance.

How It Works
Create Your Profile
Create a Request
Bid Request Fees
Accept a Bid

How will I know if I will be receiving quality medical care?
For each bid submitted, you will have a profile you can view that includes doctor’s education, training, board credentials, specialties and medical license number (appears after bid acceptance). Facilities include images, quality measures, and list physicians with their credentials as above.